3 Times the Customer is Dead Wrong

Image: StuartMiles/freedigitalphotos.net
(Originally published 10/18/2012)
You usually hear (and we preach it too) that the customer is always right. After all, every business needs customers in order to survive. But what about those customers who force you to question whether they are even worth the effort.In a perfect business world, more satisfied customers equals more revenue and profits, but some businesses have challenged the old adage that the customer is always right. In today’s world where there is always someone with less than honorable intent, even the customer may try to use his ‘right’ to pull a fast one on you. Here are three scenarios in which the customer is dead wrong.
1. The Customer Wants You to Do Something Illegal
There is always that one customer with an insane demand for a product or service that could not only cost you serious jail time but could also jeapordize your livelihood. This is really a no-brainer. When a customer has a request where any amount of profit is a drop in the bucket compared to the costs you may encounter if you accede to this request, you know it’s time to politely ask him/her to take their business elsewhere.2. The Customer is Offending Other Customers
Some people take their dirty behaviour everywhere they go and just because someone is spending money with your establishment, it does not give them the right to offend everyone else. Your business should have clear guidelines as to what is or isn’t allowed. So rules concerning foul language, lewd behaviour, noise (including loud music), even honouring those standing in line should be enforced, because if that is what you promise then that is what your customers will expect. Don’t allow one customer to cost you to lose dozens more.

3. The Customer is Being Unreasonable
Whether you are a business owner or work in customer service, you should know that there are some people who will never be satisfied. It really doesn’t matter how great the product was, how superb the service, if the red carpet was rolled out, and the waiter stood at the table the entire time waiting for orders – this customer will always find something to complain about. He/she may even be deliberately rude or disrespectful to staff. Don’t take it personal- some people are just natural born jerks. Unless this is someone you know outside of the job, let it flow like water off a duck’s back and move on with a fresh attitude to the next customer.

Customers today have high expectations of businesses, and expect staff to go above and beyond to meet their needs. Occasionally, there may be a need to relax the rules to satisfy a customers’ needs, but not if the risks outweigh the profit. Teach your staff conflict resolution techniques to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome when these situations are encountered.