What Jamaicans Can Learn from the Olympics

Image: Vlado/freedigitalphotos.net

Since Jamaica’s first entry in 1948, the Olympic Games have been a constant source of pride for our nation. It is arguably the most spectacular showing of unity on earth, where thousands gather for one common goal – to proudly hoist their country’s flag on the podium. As we wait with baited breath to see Jamaica’s athletes shine in London 2012, let’s examine some of the lessons to be garnered from watching the Olympic Games.

Few will argue that it takes a tremendous amount of discipline to not only make it to the Olympic Games, but even much more to acquire a medal. The same discipline required for competition, can be applied in our daily lives to achieve success in personal and career goals. Discipline is required to train oneself to respond appropriately to conflict, and use a problem-solving approach to keep conflict from escalating. Discipline keeps us focused on our goals amidst the noise around us, and pushes us on even in the face of seemingly big obstacles.


We’ve always heard that there is no “I” in TEAM. It’s no lie. Working with the support of a group – people who you know have your back no matter what – can greatly improve your chances of success, not to mention that its a huge moral booster. Even in individual sports, having your countrymen acting as your personal cheering squad can be a tremendous motivation. In your personal life, having the support of your family and friends is equally important. And in the working world, the support of your colleagues can make a world of difference in how much work is accomplished.

In the world of sport, it is not uncommon to see major upsets, when a unlikely contender surprises the field to snatch gold from the hands of the favourites. As the saying goes, “small axe falls big tree”. From this, we learn that no matter how insurmountable the task may seem, it can be achieved. It is also important to remain humble as we climb the ladder of achievement. It’s good to be proud of your achievements, but its equally important to know that  great men are born everyday. Don’t take your moment of greatness for granted. He who is highest on the ladder has the greatest fall; the higher the monkey climbs, the more he is exposed. And I could go on…

Every four years, the Olympic Games teaches us that records are made to broken, and the feats of great men are replaced by those of even greater men. Persistence, focus, discipline, humility, and teamwork are essential in sport, as in life to attain the utmost level of achievement.
