5 Types of Customers You Could Do Without

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If the customer is king, shouldn’t he be able to do as he pleases? Some certainly think so. Here are five customers whose sense of royalty borders on the extreme, and can be a source of customer service headaches for any business.

The Entitled
This customer has an embedded sense of entitlement which he cannot hide. Whenever he enters an establishment, he feels should be attended to first, demands a great deal of attention, and usually prefers a specific server or establishment which will accommodate his selfish demands. He likes to feel that his needs are more important than that of other customers and has little concern about the needs of others.

The Rude 
A CSR’s nightmare – the rude customer needs little prompting to spit venom at staff or even other customers. His crass behavior comes from an air of superiority and a misguided belief that the employees are beneath him.

The Insensitive
Much like the rude customer, he has no regard for other customers or the employees who serve him. His only care is that his needs are being met. He will launch a tirade on employees and might even derive pleasure from bringing them to tears.

The Freeloader
This problem customer is often disguised as a loyal customer. To maintain the rouse, he will make occasional small purchases, but his main aim is to get as much free products or service from the business. He will befriend employees for free muffins with his coffee or the chance to commandeer seats to suck the wifi for five hours.

The Serial Complainer
This one can be tricky, because you want customers to complain and give you an opportunity to address their grouses. However, you will soon come to find out that there is no pleasing this customer. Whether it’s the ambience, the employees, or the product or service isn’t matching up to his expectations, this customer will have another complaint lined up as soon as you solve his current issue.
